South Africa 05.12.2022

Indigo development & change

Indigo is a South African non-profit which focuses on biodiversity conservation, sustainable land management and climate change adaptation.

EMGSouth Africa 15.10.2015 Ecosystem: semi arid

Identification, demonstration and adoption of appropriate eco-technologies to ensure sustainable resource management in Kwazulu Natal, Limpopo and Mpumalanga Provinces 

Identification, demonstration and adoption of appropriate eco-technologies to ensure sustainable resource management in Kwazulu Natal, Limpopo and Mpumalanga Provinces

EMGSouth Africa 15.10.2015 Ecosystem: semi arid

Phola-Mahushu Community Egg and Vegetable Production Project – South Africa

Poverty, food insecurity and malnutrition, are huge problems in many parts of rural South Africa. However, six women from villages in Mpumalanga Province have come together with the help of a successful woman mentor farmer, to empower themselves, their families and their communities, by establishing an egg production cooperative. Eggs are produ…

EMGSouth Africa 15.10.2015 Ecosystem: semi arid

The Heiveld Cooperative: A vehicle for sustainable local development

In the semi-arid west of South Africa, an area of enormous biological diversity, previously disenfranchised small scale farmers have pooled their resources and long-held indigenous knowledge, establishing a successful farmers’ cooperative that exports fair trade and organic certified rooibos tea to niche ma…

South Africa 07.10.2015 Ecosystem: Semi-Arid

An integrated multi-institutional approach to improved water management in communal lands – South Africa

A case of Potshini in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa Summary South Africa – An integrated multi-institutional approach to improved water management in communal lands: A case…

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EMGSouth Africa 18.03.2015

Participatory Adaptation Handbook by EMG available online

It is our pleasure to announce the publication of the ‘Participatory Adaptation Handbook- A practitioners guide for facilitating people centred adaptation to climate change’ and the associated set of ‘Experiential Learning for Adaptation Facilitation Cards’. Drynet partner from South Africa was part of the consortium responsible for planning, writing and launching this fantastic resource for anyone involved in community-based adaptation work.

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