Iran 04.11.2024
Centre for Sustainable Development and Environment (CENESTA)
The non-profit Centre for Sustainable Development and Environment (CENESTA) works with indigenous nomadic pastoralists, farmers, marine and coastal communities and forest dwellers of Iran.
Iran 10.10.2015
Ecosystem: Dryland
Participatory afforestation for carbon sequestration in Drylands – Iran
Summary The project has been designed to demonstrate that desertified rangelands can be cost-effectively reclaimed by, and for the benefit of, local people and that…
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Iran 07.10.2015
Ecosystem: Arid: Desert
The Underground Gardens of Bushire – Iran
Indigenous technology coming from Elamite period of history to cope with desertification Summary Category: rainwater harvesting – Situated in the south of Iran, the province of…
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Iran 07.10.2015
Ecosystem: Semi-arid: mountainous forest steppe (degraded soils)
Mobile pastoralists in Iran
From wintering grounds to summer pastures- biannual transhumance Summary The Bakhtiari are the largest of all Persian tribes. The annual Bakhtiari migration in April from…
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CENESTAIran 01.12.2014
CENESTA Participation in the 6th IUCN World Parks Congress
The 6th IUCN World Parks Congress (WPC), a once in a decade event was held in Sydney, Australia, from 12 to 19th of November 2014 Over 6000 participants from over 170 countries attended to the congress to represent governments; NGOs, Indigenous Peoples, local communities, academics, research institutions, international organisations and private sector. The theme of the congress was “Parks, people, planet: inspiring solutions” through eight streams and four cross cutting themes to develop a joint promise for sustainable future of our planet through conservation of nature, its unique cultures and support human livelihoods in the world’s marine and terrestrial protected areas.