Bolivia 26.10.2015

Productividad Biosfera Medio Ambiente (PROBIOMA)

Productividad Biosfera Medio Ambiente (PROBIOMA) has extensive experience in the areas of agroecology, biodiversity management, biotechnology, capacity building for local organisations, training of socio-environmental monitors, political advocacy and citizen information.

PROBIOMABolivia 15.10.2015 Ecosystem: arid (high altitude)

Native Windbreaks in the Bolivian Altiplano Control of desertification caused by Quinoa

Category: ecological restoration – The Southern Altiplano of Bolivia is one of the world’s harshest environments. Situated at over 3.500 metres above sea level, with a cold a dry climate, it is one of Bolivia’s desertification hotspots, with high levels of land degradation and poverty. At the same time, the region has a rich biodiversity, and…

Bolivia 07.10.2015 Ecosystem: Aride

Durabilité des systèmes de production et de la sécurité alimentaire dans les ayllus de la zone Intersalar (Potosi) (2004 – 2007)

Un projet d’AVSF membre du groupe de travail désertification (GTD) Summary Ce projet d’appui à la production agricole et à l’élevage en Bolivie montre comment…

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Bolivia 05.10.2015 Ecosystem: Semi-Arid

Politics to prevent desertification – Bolivia

Responsible soybean management Summary The Responsible Management of Soybeans is a programme that operates in the Department of Santa Cruz, Bolivia, and aims to reduce…

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