CARI and FIPA are the organizers both of a workshop and a training on the subject of « agriculture and desertification in Burkina Faso » from the 26nd of November until the 1st of December.
On the 26 and the 27 of November the participative workshop will gather in Ouagadougou; about 70 people from NGOs, public institutions, researchers, donors, in order to share information about their involvement in the implementation of the UNCCD and related activities. This workshop will also focuse on the results of COP8 and the decisions about the ten year strategic plan, the state of the art in Burkina Faso, the participation of CSOs, etc… This in order to built capacities and partnerships. The national focal point, the Global Mechanism, the local delegation of the GEF, the head of TPN6 (SAFGRAD – sustainable agriculture system under the UNCCD) and CILSS (regional organisation) have already confirmed their participation. One of the expected results are specific questions to convey to the WCSSD where FIPA (member of french GTD and eniD) is a representative of one of the « major goups » (farmers). The Global Mechanism will present the result of the current CSOs mapping exercise in Burkina.
On the 29, the 30 th and the 01 of december in Fada N’gourma (east part of the country) and with close cooperation with ARFA (local NGO running a training center in agroecology) one training will be organized on agroecoly. About 35 people from NGOs and farmers from Burkina Faso and Niger are already registered for this training. Due to the high number of participants a second session is under construction. ARFA and CARI will join their efforts and knowledge as trainers. During the training the comparative advantages of agroecology will be highlighted trough practical cases from ARFA. Two to three members of Drynet have the opportunity to join this meetings in order to feed their thoughts and built capacities for implementing this kind of activities in their countries.
Contact : marjolaine(at)
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