The Strength of Lobbying and Advocacy

Both ENDS 17.11.2014

The publication ‘The strength of lobbying and advocacy’, developed by Drynet member BothENDS in cooperation with partners, is now available in English. This makes the information accessible to everyone who tries to improve the policies of companies, investors and governments, anywhere in the world. The booklet contains 10 success factors as well as policy recommendations which are based on the experiences of the Fair, Green and Global Alliance.

The publication gives a clear view on the many forms and shapes that advocacy can take. Recently minister Ploumen of Foreign Trade and Development has pointed out the importance of this role as watchdog: advocacy and influencing are imperative for sustainable and inclusive growth. Trying to change policies is more than just treating symptoms; it delivers structural positive changes with a wide scope, enforces local voices and promotes sustainable development of southern countries.
Publication can be downloaded at BothENDS website:

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