
Action pour le développement du Sahel (ADESA) Niger

Action pour le développement du Sahel (ADESA) is a non-governmental organisation based in Niger that promotes conservation of natural resources and sustainable land restoration in arid areas of the Sahel region.

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Action pour le développement du Sahel (ADESA)


AIDER is a Peruvian NGO focused on environmental conservation and sustainable development, with experience promoting sustainable land and forest management, and engaging small producers, and indigenous communities that depend on forest landscapes.

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Ajemalebu Self Help (AJESH) Cameroon

Ajemalebu Self Help (AJESH) is an NGO based in Cameroon that empowers, nurtures, and promotes a healthy and sustainable society free from poverty and injustice, while enabling communities to live in harmony with nature.

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Both ENDS Netherlands

Both ENDS works towards a sustainable, fair and inclusive world by gathering and sharing information about policy and investments that have a direct impact on people and their livelihoods.

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Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) Kazakhstan

Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) has an interstate mandate to support environmental cooperation and sustainable development in five Central Asia countries: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan.

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