CENESTAIran 01.12.2014

CENESTA Participation in the 6th IUCN World Parks Congress

The 6th IUCN World Parks Congress (WPC), a once in a decade event was held in Sydney, Australia, from 12 to 19th of November 2014 http://worldparkscongress.org/. Over 6000 participants from over 170 countries attended to the congress to represent governments; NGOs, Indigenous Peoples, local communities, academics, research institutions, international organisations and private sector. The theme of the congress was “Parks, people, planet: inspiring solutions” through eight streams and four cross cutting themes to develop a joint promise for sustainable future of our planet through conservation of nature, its unique cultures and support human livelihoods in the world’s marine and terrestrial protected areas. http://worldparkscongress.org/about/promise_of_sydney_innovative_approaches.html

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