Appui a la filière sorgho dans la region sêche de l’Androy (Sud de Madagascar)

GRETMadagascar 15.10.2015 Ecosystem: semi arid
Sorgho is a plant that is adapted to dry zones. With other cultures of this type, it contributes to the preservation of soil and the fight against desertification in the region of Androy. Because of it’s adaptation to the environment, the reintroduction of sorgho is an important activity within the scope of food security. The experience obtained within the FASARA project makes it possible to identify the potential of the culture, its advantages and its disadvantages.


Articles et publications
Cailleux M., Deligne A., Richard D., Rapport d’activité du projet FASARA, Décembre 2005 – Août 2007, Document technique, GRET, 79 pages.
Anatole RASAMILALA, Note technique sorgho, Novembre 2007, GRET, 20 pages.

Projet FASARA BP 01, Ambovombe (604), Province de Toliara, Madagascar
Tel +261321100809 Email :

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