Drynet Gallery

The gallery shows the work of the Drynet Partners. If you would like to add pictures of the work of your organisation, please send the pictures with a describing caption to Sinovuyo Mbobo, sinovuyo@indigo-dc.org.

Harnessing Synergies between the Rio Conventions: Drynet Contributes to the Berlin Workshop on Women’s Land Rights, July 2023

COP 15, Abidjan, Ivory Coast 9 – 20 May 2022

COP 14, New Delhi, India, 2 – 13 September 2019

COP 12, Ordos, China, 6 – 17 September 2017


Sheep CARI Noel and Bettina Greenwall 2 CARI Greenwall 1 CARI

Images from left (1) Traditional sheep transhumance from the valley to the summer pastures in the French Cevennes mountains. (2) The first stop at Bonperier to overnight (with Noel Oettle (EMG) and Bettina Koelle). (3 & 4) Dakar 02-07 May 2016 : CARI and  ENDA attending the First Conference on the Great Green Wall initiative for Africa. Images below from left (1 &2) RADDO Network : A Workshop dedicated to value landscapes and water resources in the Tafilalet region in Morrocco. 

DSC_0040 DSC_0066GTD-agroecologie-territoire_Une IMG_5089Rencontre APIL_Ziniaré (23)

Images above from left (3) New publication in French by the French working group on Desertification “Pour une transition agroécologique dans les territoires soumis à la désertification”. This publication is dedicated to make use of the agroecological principles in order to re-think the development of drylands landscapes. Image above on right (4)FLEUVE project ; ( EU,GM, UNCCD) Opening of the regional workshop in Niamey (Niger). CARI is coordinating the train’action programme dedicated to local authorities in collaboration with ReSaD, RADDO and Drynet networks. from left: (5) ReSaD Network : Visit of the demonstration plots in agroecology of APIL asociation in Ziniare ( Burkina Faso ). This is in the framework of the ReSaD action plan coordintaed by CARI and funded by the AFD (France). 

Environmental Monitoring Group (EMG)

Cynthia-Coetzee-Groen-Sebenza-intern-with-Environmental-Monitoring-Group-conducting-rehabilitation-work-on-a-donga-in-the-Avontuur-Nature-Reserve-Namaqua-District-N.-Cape.jpSiya EMG1 EMG3 photo29

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Images first row (left): (1) Cynthia (EMG) conducts rehabilitation work on a Donga. (2&3) Gully erosion systems where erosion control majors have been implemented through rock heaps and a mixture of check dams that facilitates better infiltration. (4 & 5 left) Geotextile spread on the bare soil surface, providing a micro environment for small seedlings to grow. (6&7) Children planting Broad Beans and measuring earth worms during a Winter School about healthier food. (8 – 10 (third row from left)) Landscape and flowers in Nieuwoudtville, South Africa.

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Images above: Flora and Fauna on Avontuur, Nieuwoudtville.

Gram Bharati Samiti 

Youth planting trees Bhawani with community people to protect treesBike riding to protect forestsYes, we will protect environment

Stabilizing sand dunes Plugging gullies to check soil erosionsuccessful rain water harvestingAfter building the dam

An ruined step wellAfter rennovation In the youth campYouth camp at Gandhivan

Youth visiting GBS wasteland deve. projectCommunities building mud damWomen taking fodder from GBS project

Images first row (left): (1)Bhawani Shanker Kusum (BGS) with youth planting trees. (2) Bhawani with community people to protect trees (3) A group of bikers raising awareness for protecting the environment (4) Particpants shouting “Yes! We will protect the environment!”. (5 & 6) Communities building a mud dam. Second Rown left: (7) After building the dam, (8) Stabilizing sand dunes. (9)Plugging gullies to check soil erosion. (10) Successful rain water harvesting. Third Row Left: (11) Ruined step well, (12) Step well after renovation, (13) Environmental Youth Camp, (14) Youth camp at Gandhivan, (15) Youth visiting GBS wasteland development project, (16) Communities building a mud dam, (17) Women taking fodder from GBS project


Analog forestry workshop - sustainable land use 1 Analog forestry workshop - sustainable land use 2 Ghana community meeting

Presentation Food Otherwise Conference Soy Rich Forests Presentation Food Otherwise Conference SoyNursery site Ghana supported by Both ENDS

Images first row: (1 & 2) Participants at the Analog forestry workshop, (3) Ghana community meeting. Second Rown left (4) Nursery site in Ghana supported by Both ENDS. (5 & 6)  Presentation given by Food Otherwise for the Conference, Soy Rich Forests

GCOZA (Mali)

Visite des membres de GCOZA Mali à GCOZA Ethiopie Visite de GCOZA dans un champ à Kita Visite de terrain dans les champs.GCOZA partout appuie les agriculteurs,les éleveurs et les femmes Réunion comité pilotage Drynet à Caux Suisse Champ expérimental Adaptation au Changement climatique

Images from left: (1) Visits from DCGMali to Ethiopia, (2) Visit by DCG in a field in Kita, (3) Field visit in camps supported by GCOZA, (4) Drynet Board meeting in Caux, Switzerland, (5) Practical Implementation in Climate Change Adaptation


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Images from left (1) Anti-Coal Advocacy Project, Cycling Event in Çanakkale, (2) Fellowship of the Trees Project- a teacher and a student, (3)Planting a Tree- Fellowship of the Trees Project, (4) The Poster for 17 June, World Day to Combat Desertification 2016, (5) The Poster for 5 June, World Environment Day, 2016, (6)Junior TEMA Festival, 2016 (Junior TEMA is an environmental education program for primary school children), (7)Anti-Coal Advocacy Project, Cycling Event in Istanbul, (8) The Poster for 21 March, World Water Day, 2016, (9) A snapshot of World Environment Day, 2016 Activities in Edirne


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The images above shows the workshop “Governance Assessment of the protected and conserved” areas  and “Transboundary Conservation Workshop”. The workshop was facilitated by CENESTA and contributions from Drynet.